Grief and Loss


All it takes is one song to bring back 1,000 memories. When I was in Dominican Republic one night a live band was going table to table singing a song while everyone was having dinner. When they came to our table and began to sing Somos Novios by Andrea Bocelli; my heart just sank and memories of my dad signing the same song on our trips to the Mills just came rushing to me. It was like I was hearing him sing it and if you knew my dad you knew how dramatic and deep his voice was. At first it was overwhelming to think of all that, but after I processed everything that happened that night I feel like my dad was telling me that he is still here with me. His death has certainly not become easier to cope with but especially with the holidays I am trying to hold onto the good memories I have and keep a lot traditions alive when before I was trying to push them to the side because it was just emotionally easier. Five things that I have been doing to help me get through especially during the holiday season ( his and my favorite time of the year) are:

1. Not forgetting to take care of my self.
2. Not keeping my emotions bottled up and expressing them.
3. Talking about him and all the memories with other people.
4. Lowering my expectations.
5. Understanding that grief is NORMAL and necessary!

Is there a song that just takes you down memory lane?


Dear Friend! You are enough!


Happy Fourth of July!